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Edward Lear

There was an Old Man with a owl,
Who continued to bother and howl;
He sat on a rail
And imbibed bitter ale,
Which refreshed that Old Man and his owl.

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There was a young lady called Mandy,
Who used to drink barrels of shandy,
She was so full of gas
That they piped her at last
To the mains and then said: 'now that's handy.'

limerick by (February 1995)Report problemRelated quotes
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When the Duke, also called Mussolini
saw a maiden in purple bikini
he went into the street
said 'so happy to meet,
let us make, you and me, some bambini.'

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Added by Dan Costinaş
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Believe it or not in Pakistan
when a woman marries a man
the woman pays a fee
of a million rupees
so I'll be moving there soon as I can

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A being is introduced as the Lord of Darkness
and a stranger joins them and says: Let’s not digress,
but you must be the general manager at Escom, the place
from where no electricity comes, it’s a total disgrace
with the resulting lawlessness.

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Edward Lear

There was an Old Man of New York,
Who murdered himself with a fork;
But nobody cried
Though he very soon died, --
For that silly old man of New York.

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There was a mosquito the other day
That buzzed as he went along the way.
He stung me on a whim.
I jumped and swat at him,
But the mosquito had flown away.

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An old friend called the other day.
They didn’t have very much to say,
But simply sat and held the phone.
And so, it wasn’t very long
Till I had slipped away.

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Edward Lear

There was an Old Man of the North,
Who fell into a basin of broth;
But a laudable cook,
Fished him out with a hook,
Which saved that Old Man of the North

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There was an old cowboy from Texas,
Who in the west had so many exes.
So he moved to New York,
To get some new work,
And get away from the war of the sexes.

limerick by (12 May 2011)Report problemRelated quotes
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